A Toronto vegan blabs on about crafting, food, and her life in general.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

My wimpy heart's a-pounding, and a food log.

Our upstairs neighbour has this incredibly annoying habit of hammering stuff on the weekends, before 9 a.m. In the bedroom, right above our heads. I have tried ignoring it, pounding on the ceiling, and just laying in bed complaining, just to avoid confrontation. But my sister is visiting this weekend and sleeping in the bed with me while the hacky coughy boy sleeps propped up on the couch (he's at the walk-in clinic now seeing about this cough he's had for 3 weeks) and I could not stand it anymore. I brushed my teeth, threw on a cardigan and marched upstairs. I took a deep breath, my heart pounding, and knocked on the door. No answer. I could hear a TV, but I could not hear any of the hammering that I heard less than 60 seconds before. I guess they finished. I cowardly slunk back downstairs, grateful for not having to confront this person, and now I'm awake and jonesing for a coffee. I think I'll have the coffee and go for a run. My sister is still asleep and it'll be nice to work in some exercise today.

Later today, we are introducing her to Indian food. I've decided that each time she visits, she'll 1) be exposed to a new type of cuisine and 2) learn something new, typically in film form. Her last visit she tried Ethiopian food and I showed her Bowling For Columbine. This weekend, Indian and Sharkwater. Maybe next time, Buddhist Chinese Vegetarian and some sort of rally to shake things up a bit. But right now, I'm really looking forward to introducing her to some pakoras...

Food log from yesterday:


  • water
  • usual müsli
  • coffee*
  • leftover tempeh salad
  • 1/3 can of chickpeas
  • celery, carrots*
  • hummus
  • water


  • 1 nut and dried fruit bar
  • coffee

  • an order of curry pad thai
  • 1 dark ale*

No vitamins, no exercise.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sister introduced me to new foods, too: ethiopian and thai are still among my favorites she introduced me to and i think of her when i eat them. her favorite is indian food, and though it was my ex boyfriend who introduced it to me, it is one of our favorites to share together!

1:29 PM, April 15, 2007

Blogger trudi said...

Sounds like a great day - except for the almost confrontation. Your sis is very lucky - Indian...yum!

2:06 PM, April 15, 2007

Blogger Carla said...

Lucky Stephanie! And now I've finally met her IRL.

I hope your neighbours finish construction soon!

7:17 PM, April 15, 2007


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