A Toronto vegan blabs on about crafting, food, and her life in general.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The hottest stockings evah!

One day. One day, you'll be mine!


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're beautiful! But I can't be trusted with good tights! I'm constantly seeing holes!

6:52 PM, April 04, 2007

Blogger Carla said...

Kitty likes the stockings too! That's an elaborate pattern!

1:50 PM, April 05, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The stockings are nice. Funny, I can't really see the skull pattern in them. Are those your legs? And your cat?

10:49 AM, April 06, 2007

Blogger mishka said...

sophie - the skulls are definitely a little hard to make out. You can get a better view of them here:


And, no. Not my legs. How I wish! :)

2:33 PM, April 06, 2007


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