A Toronto vegan blabs on about crafting, food, and her life in general.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Food Log | April 22, 2007

  • coffee
  • 1 fruit and nut bar, on the go
  • 1 small bottle of OJ
  • Teriyaki stir fry with jasmine rice at Jack Astor's for my sister's "2 days before your birthday" lunch
  • 2 club sodas


  • peppermint tea

  • handful of blue corn tortilla chips*
  • 1 1/2 bowls of throw-together stew:
    • tomatoes, broth*, spices, broccoli, carrot*, a little peanut butter*, barley, quinoa*, red lentils, brown lentils and kale*
  • water


  • sublingual B12 with B6 and folic acid

  • just a little walking


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm interested in the "throw-together" stew and wondering about proportions or if there is an actual recipe. I love making soups and stews but never thought of using peanut butter. My mother-in-law has this old book for taking care of people who are dying and they use a mixture of tomatoes and peanut butter as a cheese substitute but I kind of thought it was unusual (and, of course, never tried it).
Shawna (a fellow one month challenger!)

11:43 AM, April 26, 2007

Blogger mishka said...

Hey Shawna,

I always make these up as I go along. For soup, I have a recipe posted here:


This could easily be made into stew with a few more ingredients - namely the grains. For peanut butter, I added about 1.5 T to thicken the broth and to add richness. Cashew butter works great as well.

Tomatoes and pb as a cheese substitute? I've never heard of that! Although, blended raw cashews often get used in faux-cheese recipes - wonder if it works the same way?

Good luck with your challenge! It sounds as though you're putting in way more effort than I am!

12:08 PM, April 26, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, it was time for a change for me. So, the challenge is good motivation to do it. I was a vegan junk-food-aholic and that is just not good for me.
Thanks for the recipe link & tips! Enjoy the challenge.

2:17 PM, April 26, 2007


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