A Toronto vegan blabs on about crafting, food, and her life in general.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The day of avocado

It was absolutely gorgeous today. 23 degrees, clear skies, no smog, sunshiney goodness. I got up this morning, had a little photoshoot with my newest necklaces, went for a run and spent the afternoon with an old friend who I am seeing too little of lately. This evening, the boy and I met friends at one of the best veg restaurants in the city. All in all, a great day!

Right after my run, before heading back home, I stopped at the Big Carrot Wholistic Dispensary to pick up a couple of things and came across some sample packets of Vega, and figured I'd give it a try. Developed by Ironman and vegan Brendan Brazier, Vega seems to be like a blend of protein drink, greens+ type of dealy and meal replacement. I'm not really one to do protein shakes and whatnot, but the list of nutrition facts on the back of the package was intriguing. There were 3 choices - chocolate flavoured, berry and plain. I tend to be more of a berry girl, so I bought the pack for about $2.50 and took it home. This is what it looked like, after mixing with water:

would you believe me if I told you it was tasty?

An unappealing thickish green sludge. But the tastiest thickish green sludge I've ever had! Yes, this avocado green swamp actually tasted like berry, with no hint of green or algae or weeds. Just yummy berriness! I didn't price the tubs of powder, but next time I'm in the area, I will definitely consider buying more Vega!

And now for today's food log:

early afternoon:

  • water, coffee
  • 1/2 cup of Vega* (actually only 1/3 of a full serving)
  • 1 whole wheat pita spread with hummus
late afternoon:
  • snack samples at St Lawrence Market - tofu chunks*, 1 small bit of bread dipped in oil, 1 chip with great smokey salsa
  • the Big Salad at Juice for Life:
    • avocado (1), marinated tofu cubes, cucumber, carrot, tahini dressing, on spring mix
  • 1 beer


  • Dinner at Vegetarian Haven:
    • 2 pot stickers
    • 1/2 bowl of mushroom and avocado (2) soup, shared with the boy
    • 2 puff pastry rolls stuffed with avocado (3)/horseradish mixture, carrots and grilled tempeh, purple rice, spring mix salad with 1/4 avocado (4)
  • coffee*
  • small bites of friend's German chocolate cake

That's right - I ate avocado 4 times today. And it was gooo-oood!

  • sublingual B12 with B6 and folate

  • running (about 20 minutes), walking (about 2 hours), and a few arm weights.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Avocadoes are great and good for you. Actually, I read somwhere that they contain similar fats to the Omega fats (3,6,9) but the avocado fat goes by a different name, which I can't remember right now...duh.

So go ahead and indulge in avocado goodness - if you can wait patiently for them to ripen :)

12:41 AM, April 22, 2007

Blogger vania said...

It does sound like a great day - i had one like it today! What, in your opinion, is one of the best veg restaurants in the city?

10:43 PM, April 22, 2007

Blogger mishka said...

sophie - that's the hardest part of the whole avo thing: waiting for them to ripen! And if you buy a few at once, they ripen at the same time! It's like you have to buy 1 every other day or something.

vania - that is such a hard question! I think the only way I can decide which I think is best is if I pretend as though someone is spontaneously asking me out to each one and how excited I get.

excitement, 1 to 5, 1 being "meh"

Fressen - 4.5
Fresh - 5
Any Buddhist place - 3
King's Cafe - 3.5 to 4
Veg Haven - 4
Live - 3.5
Udupi Palace - 4.5
Pulp Kitchen for dinner - 1
Pulp Kitchen for brunch - 3.5
Le Commensal - 2

I know I'm missing some, but that's my gut feeling for each one as it stands right now!

1:59 PM, April 23, 2007

Blogger michelle said...

udipi palace is the one by krissy, right? i love that place!

6:43 PM, April 24, 2007


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