A Toronto vegan blabs on about crafting, food, and her life in general.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Super-fantastico Sunday plus plus!

(note: I am in the process of updating my blog colours... do not be alarmed)

This Saturday, I intended to cross #41 off my 43things list and go small gallery hopping. I remember there being galleries in and around Kensington Market, so the boy and I decided to not research anything beforehand and just wing it. However, winging it had to be delayed for a wee bit so we could fill our grumbly tummies. Much to my happiness, he suggested we go to Fressen for their BBQ Tofu Rancheros. The thing is with Fressen is that it is usually a place that we plan an outing to - it is never a spontaneous destination. So, to go there out of the blue for my favourite brunch was BBQ Tofu heaven, topped with kittens and balloons.

On the plate:
BBQ scrambled tofu, tempeh "bacon", avocado cream,
corn-tomato salsa, refried beans, corn tortilla, potatoes,
star fruit, melons and orange.
Oh. My.

After, we walked around Kensington Market. And found no galleries. Since it was too cold to wander too much, we popped on down to Queen Street for a coffee and a quick pop-in to Sanko, where Vania told me they sold tofu pouches for sushi. I hate seaweed, but love the idea of sushi, so we bought a bunch of supplies for dinner on Sunday.

With our hands warmed up a bit, we were able to walk a bit more, west on Queen. Of course, we found where all the galleries were. And, of course, we were cold again and done, done, done. So, we went home. And rented Walk The Line (fabulous) and L4yer Cake (pretty good.)

Waking up on Sunday felt like such a bonus. Since Saturday was so easy-going, we felt like were getting another Sunday. We borrowed an Autoshare car for a quick trip to Ikea, rented Capote (enjoyed it a lot) and made sushi. The results:

all the ingredients to make vegetarian sushi
and miso soup.

all rolled and wrapped, waiting to be sliced.
David's nori rolls turned out much better then mine, so I stuck with filling the pouches.

Part of the spread:
miso soup, fried dumplings, tofu pouch sushi,
steamed asparagus, sticky rice with peanut sauce.

The pretty sushi plates.

The verdict: I hated it.

I ate 2 nori rolls. Blech. And 2 tofu pouches... and they were okay. So I filled up on dumplings and sticky rice. Oh well. I'll try again in a couple of years, because I am determined to like sushi.


Blogger Michelle said...

Wow, that was an unexpected ending to your story. It looked so nice. That's too bad. Sticky rice is good enough to fill up on, though. I really like to make sushi, though. Perhaps you'd like it better with different fillings?

Souns like a fun weekend besides. Someday I'll catch up and post (all the pictures are in different places, etc...)

11:24 PM, March 19, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

as always, I leave your blog hungry. I really need to stop visiting on mornings I haven't had a proper brekkie....

8:48 AM, March 20, 2006

Blogger krissy said...

i'm with michelle...i totally didn't expect your story to end like that either! everything looks so amazing though. if you get the urge to go to all that trouble again, feel free to come by and make sushi at my house... i can't get enough of the stuff! ;)

ps. yes, i'll be at ooak for the whole 5 days...my biz is called "ratgirl" and i'll be in rising stars. come by and say "hi"!

4:33 PM, March 20, 2006

Blogger Carla said...

Mmmmm. The rancheros at Fressen is my second favourite breakfast in the world! My top fave is the tofu pesto platter at Maggie's on College, but it doesn't have tempeh fake bacon.

9:34 AM, March 21, 2006

Blogger mishka said...

Michelle - I think I would like it, sans nori :) I tried the tofu pouches the next days and liked them better the second time around. As my friend Trudi suggested, I'd probably like sushi done up as rice balls rolled in sesame seeds...mmm..

Steve - breakfast is the most important meal of the day (as I sit here this morning with an empty tummy...)

Krissy - I'm hoping to bring my 14 year old sister to the One of Kind Show since she'll be visiting for the weekend. I will definitely stop by and say hello!

Carla - I have never been the Maggie's, but I just checked out their website and the veg*n menu looks so tasty (again, as I sit here with an empty tummy) that I may talk the boy into going there this weekend!

10:36 AM, March 21, 2006

Blogger vania said...

I'm so sorry you hated it! It did look really tasty and you obviously put a lot of work into it. Maybe that was fun to do at least? I'm so glad you found the tofu pouches, though! Sounds like you braved the cold and did some fun things (mmm..fressen brunch!) even though the day wasn't exactly what you had planned.

8:08 AM, March 29, 2006


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