"No, she's not retarded"*
Remember in Sixteen Candles when Long Duk Dong is missing and Grandpa Howard is on the phone with the police:
"What was he wearing? Well, uh, let's see, he was wearing a red argyle sweater, and tan trousers, and red shoes... No, he's not retarded."
This afternoon, while leaving the washroom, I caught a glimpse of myself in the full size mirror, and realised how I'd left the apartment this morning. I immediately went to the boy's desk and gently requested that next time I accidentally leave in the morning dressed in red pants and a red jacket with a purple bag and cheetah print gloves, to please let me know that I look ridiculous. Thank you.
Not only that, but it started to rain and my pants, a teensy bit too long, were going to drag on the wet ground. My only option was to staple - yes, staple - the cuffs up.
Where, oh where were Stacey and Clinton?!
On a happier note - MY CAMERA IS FIXED! Wheeeee!!! Good thing, too, or else how could I adequately capture my wonderfully put together outfit today?
* disclaimer: please read my post in the comments
I think you look a bit like a superhero (:
11:15 PM, October 27, 2006
oh my god i'm lafting!
and yay for camera's being fixed!!!
11:31 PM, October 27, 2006
You know...I was on the Bloor-Yonge subway platform one day and there was a couple waiting for the train and they were speaking in a foreign language. They might have been tourists, not sure.
Anyway, she was dressed in a green suede jacket with matching green pants and gold stilettos. She looked sophisticated and confident. While she was chatting away with her guy, I swear that just about every person that walked by her stared at her because of her decision to wear a bright green outfit that day.
Why are people in Toronto so fearful of wearing vibrant colours ?!
So, big deal...you wore red pants and a red trench, etc. If you were living in Paris or some other European city like Milan you would fit right in...you would look tres chic and haute.
Toronto needs people to wear more colour in their clothing. Just because it's winter do we have to mourn by wearing grey or black ?
Personally, I see nothing wrong with what you are wearing in that photo.
Do not ask for permission to wear colour...just wear it and be happy that you don't look like everybody else.
11:54 PM, October 27, 2006
I also love wearing colour, and you are your best judge. While Stacey and Clinton do have some style sense, everyone on their show ends up looking the same. Of course, there are some outfits of mine that i realize later were just wrong.
On another note, i love Sixteen Candles, but i hate 'that' word. I work with people (who are labeled with) with intellectual disabilities and the R word has such a strong connatation for them. And me. I know what you mean by your comment, but i just had to rant.
10:36 AM, October 28, 2006
Thanks for making me feel a little less dorky, Sophie. Thing is, it is soooo not like me to dress this way. I'm not afraid of colour per se (as demonstrated by my Thursday outfit of rainbow striped socks and baby blue tee), despite the amount of black I wear. I just prefer to dress a certain way. And yesterday was not it! Ha!
Vania - I had originally meant to add a disclaimer about the politically incorrect use of the word "retarded" and possible offensiveness. I, too, really do dislike how it is used interchangeably with other negative connotations, especially having a sibling with Down Syndrome. My intention was not to offend.
1:38 PM, October 28, 2006
I sometimes get to work and wonder what I was thinking when I got dressed too!
I don't know who Stacey and Clinton are, but I like colours too, especially for accessories.
re: language: I'm trying to wean myself off saying "that's lame" now that I know that's offensive to people with physical disabilities.
6:23 PM, October 30, 2006
i don't understand how anyone "accidently" dresses a certain way!
smart move with the stapler. i've never done that but i've used safety pins and masking tape (on two different occasions).
10:12 AM, October 31, 2006
it was accidental because I grabbed my red jacket without thinking. I'd been wearing it all week and it was just reflex. I usually wear my black jacket when I wear red pants :) As for the purse, I'd be fine carrying it if I'd been wearing the black jacket with those pants. The gloves - well, they're just ugly anyway... but warm!
10:21 AM, October 31, 2006
Some of my accidents are from changing at the last moment because I spilled breakfast on my shirt. I really should sew myself a bib!
3:37 PM, October 31, 2006
Mishka, i didn't know anything was happening for WVDay, but i doubt i would have gone too. And no, i don't have the cupcake book but it's on my wish list as a Christmas present!
12:32 PM, November 02, 2006
now i totally feel justified for the many many minutes i spend each day trying to decide what coat to wear. i always feel bad that it takes me as long to pick out my coat, scarf, etc. as it does to pick out my outfit.
10:14 PM, November 02, 2006
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