A Toronto vegan blabs on about crafting, food, and her life in general.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Cats on a treadmill

well, this sure as hell helped chase away my crabbies for a few minutes...


Blogger Jeannie said...

OMG! Thank you thank you thank you. Someday I'll try and get my kitty back on my treadmill and film it. I've only been able to get one of my eight kitties to walk on the treadmill, and then only on a very slow setting. Nothing like what these kitties are managing -- that calico is something else. And I like tabby-two-leg technique very much.

I'm glad you're not so crabby!

7:13 PM, May 12, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so funny! I was almost worried that the cats would get hurt trying to keep up with the speed.
Here is another hilarious YouTube clip involving cats and the engineer dudes that love them :D



5:15 PM, May 13, 2008


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